Lesson 1. Something is Missing!
Jim pushed himself back from his desk, swivelled his chair towards the window and sighed as he surveyed the city eighteen stories below. He had this feeling he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Was it restlessness, boredom, despondency, middle-age crisis or what?
He had every reason to feel good, he told himself. He had a successful career, good health, a happy and secure marriage, nice kids, and enough money not to have to worry about paying the household bills. He lived in a nice house, and he and his wife had good cars. He had the kind of life most people refer to as the ‘good’ life. So why this basic discontent? Why this vague feeling of emptiness? Had he missed something somewhere?
Yes, he had missed something: something important. Jesus said that He came to fill in the missing part of human life. ‘I came so that everyone would have life, and have it fully’ (John 10:10). The extra-dimensional life that Jesus offers brings true fulfilment.