Steps to Christ (book)

Steps to Christ (book)

ADCSep 6, 2024, 8:36 AM

Do you want to experience spiritual growth? We introduce Steps to Christ, a little compendium of devotion and a practical presentation of growing in Christian experience.

An enduring Christian literary classic, Steps to Christ by Ellen White has been translated to date into approximately 160 languages since its first publication in 1892, being the most widely read work of its author. 


The title of the book tells its mission. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, along the way of Christian living. And it reveals to the reader the secret of victory as it unfolds in simplicity the saving grace and the keeping power of God.

An ABC of spirituality, this book points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to meet the needs of the soul. It directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace.

An inspiring passage

The closer you come to Jesus your vision will be clearer. As you draw near to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw near to you with mercy and forgiveness.


Covering important steps of spiritual growth, each of the 13 chapters contains gems of hope, comfort, and promise: (1) God’s Love for Man; (2) The sinner’s need of Christ; (3) Repentance; (4) Confession; (5) Consecration; (6) Faith and acceptance; (7) The test of discipleship; (8) Growing up into Christ; (9) The work and the life; (10) A knowledge of God; (11) The privilege of prayer; (12) What to do with doubt; (13) Rejoicing in the Lord.


The story behind the title

In the summer of 1890 Ellen White was asked to prepare a small book on Christian experience. After her secretary searched through all of White’s articles and published volumes, selecting those passages dealing with Christian life, the author rewrote some of them, and added new material to complete the chapter subjects.

The manuscript was sent to Fleming H. Revell, a famous religious publisher in Chicago. It was an instant best seller: within six weeks of its initial printing a third edition had already been issued (seven editions were printed in its first year.)

Read Steps to Christ online, download it or order a free hard copy from ADC. Free audio version here.


Ellen Gould White (1827–1915) is the most translated woman writer in history, and the most translated American author of either gender. She was the author of forty books and more than five thousand periodical articles. In 2015, Smithsonian Magazine, the main publication of the Smithsonian Institution, named Ellen G. White among its “100 Most Influential Americans of All Time.”


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